Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Three Impressive Horror Movies About Demons

The demon is one of the quintessential horror movie villains. From their creepy appearances, to their ability to possess or infiltrate the body, to their often rich and intriguing back stories, demons have always held a fascination for us—which is why they permeate the Horror Movie Syllabus! While they pop up in several subgenres, this time we’ve given them their very own subgenre so we can give them the proper attention! We’ll discuss three great movies about demons, along with some “extra credit” demon movies to give them all the love.

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

The Three Best Possession Horror Movies

The Horror Movie Syllabus is discussing the best of possession movies--those unfortunate souls being tormented by some nasty demon taking over their body. Professor Victor examines three noteworthy examples of possession horror movies that every horror fan should see and discusses the common tropes found in these movies along with their religious connections. He also includes some "extra credit" films if you're a fan of the possession sub-genre.

Thumbnail Credit: Racheal Lomas

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