Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Three Seedy, Disturbing Horror Movies About Snuff Films

This week, the Horror Movie Syllabus looks at Snuff horror movies! These are movies exploring the seedy world of the production of snuff films! Professor Victor looks at three excellent, underrated movies that delve into the world of snuff, along with some “extra credit” movies that are underrated gems!

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Celebrating Excellent Examples of Horror Noire (aka Black Horror)

This week, the Horror Movie Syllabus looks at horror movies made by Black artists, also known as Horror Noire! Beyond Blaxploitation, these movies explore horror from a Black perspective while still offering thrills with universal appeal. Professor Victor presents three noteworthy examples of Horror Noire, along with some “extra credit” movies that are well worth your time!

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