Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

The Witch: Part 1, The Subversion: Is It Syllabus-Worthy?

Professor Victor continues working through his “to-watch” list created by YOU via your recommendations in the comments! This week, he watches “The Witch: Part 1. The Subversion” for the first time and determines if it is worthy of being on the Syllabus!

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Three Moving Examples of Horror Drama

This week, the Horror Movie Syllabus explores the affecting and moving Horror Drama subgenre! While typically less “scary” than more traditional horror movies, Horror Dramas still manage to pack an emotional punch that sticks with you long after the movie is over. Professor Victor presents three such movies, along with some wonderful “extra credit” selections!

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Revisiting Elevated Horror: The Doctorate Edition

The Doctorate level of the Horror Movie Syllabus continues as we revisit the Elevated Horror subgenre video and present a fourth, Doctorate level selection! This new addition to the Syllabus is a creepy-yet-poignant allegory for mortality!

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