Terrific and Terrible Horror TV Adaptations
This week, the Horror Movie Syllabus looks at movies that adapt horror television shows! While not all of these movies are good, they are all noteworthy for one reason or another! Professor Victor discusses the good and the bad of these horror TV adaptations, and also shares his thoughts on some extra credit movies!
Introducing the Horror Movie SUPPLEMENT! (And A Refresher On The Horror Movie Syllabus)
Welcome to the Horror Movie Syllabus, where we explore all of the essential, must-see, important, noteworthy and notorious horror movies from 1970 to the present (with a couple of notable pre-1970 exceptions). Each video will explore three films in a particular sub-genre (out of a list of 100), along with some "extra credit" suggestions. New horror fans will learn what movies they should add to their "must-watch" list, while seasoned horror veterans can try to guess what movies will make the Syllabus and even suggest their own Syllabus entries. Ultimately, we are forging a community of horror fans discussing and debating the most discussion-worthy movies of the last half century.
For the horror vets, we are also introducing the Horror Movie Supplement, which has an additional 100 sub-genres that are more esoteric, myopic, specific and niche. Each movie will only be used on the Syllabus or Supplement once, so it will be challenging to determine where each movie gets discussed!
A copy of the Horror Movie Syllabus AND the Horror Movie Supplement can be downloaded at HorrorMovieSyllabus.com. Fill out the Syllabus and Supplement with your own selections for each sub-genre and let the Professor know in the comments which movies you’ve picked!