Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Meet the Feebles: Is It Syllabus-Worthy?

Professor Victor continues working through his “to-watch” list created by YOU via your recommendations in the comments! This week, he watches “Meet the Feebles” for the first time and determines if it is worthy of being on the Syllabus!

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

The Noteworthy Deeper Cuts of David Cronenberg

The Horror Movie Supplement continues with the eagerly-anticipated video on David Cronenberg! Even though we’ve already talked about some amazing Cronenberg movies, the Professor still has some gems to discuss... not to mention some excellent “extra credit” selections!

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Eat: Is It Syllabus-Worthy?

Professor Victor continues working through his “to-watch” list created by YOU via your recommendations in the comments! This week, he watches “Eat” for the first time and determines if it is worthy of being on the Syllabus!

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Three Challenging, Grotesque Body Horror Films

If you’re looking for horror movies to make your skin crawl, how ‘bout going with a movie where skin might actually, literally crawl? The Horror Movie Syllabus digs into the Body Horror subgenre, looking at some of the most grotesque and disturbing entries along with some “extra credit” movies to make you feel nauseated!

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