Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Creepy-Ass Horror Movies About Clowns

Send in the clowns! Actually, don’t! The Horror Movie Syllabus faces down its coulrophobia to present some of the best, scariest clown horror movies. We’ll talk about why there are so many clown horror movies and what makes them so effectively creepy. We’ll even throw in some “extra credit” clown horror movies—it’ll feel like clown horror just constantly pouring out of a clown car!

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

The Most Prestigious Horror Movie Thrillers

Professor Victor finally tries to explain the difference between “thriller” and “horror” … with debatable results! Tune in to see what qualifies as a thriller for the Horror Movie Syllabus as we discuss some critical darlings, along with some “extra credit” movies that further illustrate the thriller sub-genre.

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Three Scary Horror Films About Nature and Isolation

Fear the outdoors! Professor Victor braves the elements to present some of the best examples of horror films involving nature and isolation! What makes these films so scary, even without an identifiable monster or antagonist? Find out as we discuss three shining examples of the sub-genre, along with some “extra credit” suggestions.

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

The Most Notorious Extreme Horror Films

Many if not most horror movies would be considered “extreme” to the average non-horror fan. In this video, Professor Victor tackles the movies that even bona fide horror fans would acknowledge as “extreme.” We’ll look at three of the roughest, most controversial and notoriously graphic horror movies ever, along with a few extreme “extra credit” selections as well.

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Legitimately Good American Remakes of Foreign Horror Films

How do you improve on an incredible foreign horror film! Make it in English, of course! The Horror Movie Syllabus explores three noteworthy American remakes of foreign horror movies and discusses their value and significance. We also examine a few additional American remakes for “extra credit.”

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