Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Which Halloween Movies Are Essential?

In a departure from the usual format, the Horror Movie Syllabus takes an in-depth look at ALL of the movies in the Halloween film franchise and discusses which films are “essential” viewing and which ones can be skipped. Join Professor Victor as he struggles to set aside his extreme bias and affection for these movies and decides which of these movies are truly “must see” movies!

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Horror Movies For People Who Don't Like Horror Movies

It’s the spooky season and that means everyone will be watching horror movies! If you’re someone who doesn’t typically enjoy a good scary flick, the Horror Movie Syllabus presents some movies that might allow you to partake in the spooky fun without being traumatized. Professor Victor goes over ten suggestions for spooky season and breaks down why you might like them even if you don’t usually like horror.

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Three Magical Dark Fantasy Horror Movies

We’re going through the looking glass as the Horror Movie Syllabus explores Dark Fantasy horror movies! Professor Victor discusses some wonderful examples of this niche subgenre, from the nostalgic to the classic, tackling a few “extra credit” examples along the way!

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Three Indescribable Examples of Supernatural Horror

In this week’s video, the Horror Movie Syllabus takes a close look at the nebulous, hard-to-categorize antagonists in Supernatural Horror movies! While admittedly a broad subgenre on its surface, Professor Victor makes a case for movies featuring vague supernatural threats that aren’t easily classified into other subgenres. He also discusses a few fun “extra credit” supernatural horror films!

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Exploring the Very Best of Animated Horror

This week the Horror Movie Syllabus explores the artistry and wonder of Animated Horror! Join Professor Victor as he appreciates the best of horror that doesn’t feature live action! While so many animated movies are for kids, we’ll look at the gamut—kid-friendly yarns and very adult adventures alike! We’ll also talk about a few “extra credit” cartoons as well.

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Three Compelling Horror Movie Documentaries

The Horror Movie Syllabus gets meta as this week’s video is a Horror Movie Syllabus video about movies about horror movies (try saying that five times fast!). Professor Victor takes a look at three fascinating explorations into horror films, focusing on the making, the cultural impact and influence of horror movies on society. We’ve also got some great “extra credit” recommendations for you as well!

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Three Favourite Film Adaptations of Horror Comic Books

This week, the Horror Movie Syllabus puts a spotlight on Horror Comic Book movies! Join Professor Victor as he examines some of the more fun and noteworthy horror comic adaptations and explores why they tend to not adhere to their source material. He’ll also present a few “extra credit” suggestions (both movies and comics) for your further education!

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Professor Victor's Unpopular Opinion About Horror Remakes

Movies so nice, they did them twice (or more)! This week the Horror Movie Syllabus looks at Horror Remakes, exploring why it’s so hard to remake a movie and satisfy the fans of the original. Professor Victor offers up a defense of some of the most notoriously derided remakes, and offers up some “Extra Credit” recommendations of remakes that worked out well.

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Three Bona Fide Classic Horror Movies About Madness

We all go a little mad sometimes, and this week Professor Victor goes mad for our selections for the Madness subgenre! The Horror Movie Syllabus looks at three exceptionally great and legendary horror movies that focus on madness, as well as three “extra credit” movies that show just how scary madness can be!

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Three Insane Horror Movies Set in the Workplace

There’s about to be a reduction in force! The Horror Movie Syllabus takes a look at Workplace Horror, those horror films set in the office and/or focused on a group of workers, usually resulting in a hilariously horrific horror movie. Professor Victor will present three such films, along with a few “extra credit” movies if you’re willing to put in a little overtime!

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Three Destined-to-be-Classic, Retro-Style Throwback Horror Movies

The Horror Movie Syllabus gets retro as we examine “throwback” horror movies! Professor Victor looks at those movies painstakingly shot to look like they come from a different era, evoking a vintage style with modern sensibilities. We’ll look at three excellent examples of this subgenre, along with some throwback “extra credit” films as well!

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Copyright Strike and the Future of HMS

No movies this week as our regularly scheduled video has been held up by a Takedown Notice and Copyright Strike. Instead, the Professor decides to shed a little light on the direction the Horror Movie Syllabus will go as we get closer and closer to finishing the Syllabus. The Professor has some fun ideas for the channel, and asks you to chime in with suggestions as well!

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Three Entertaining and Popular Shared Universe Horror Movies

What if your favourite horror monsters or characters were able to meet and team up, or even fight each other? The Horror Movie Syllabus examines the history of shared universe horror movies, where different franchises have overlapped to give fans some crowd-pleasing matchups. We’ll look at three of the most popular shared universe horror movies and also discuss a few “extra credit” entries as well.

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Creepy-Ass Horror Movies About Clowns

Send in the clowns! Actually, don’t! The Horror Movie Syllabus faces down its coulrophobia to present some of the best, scariest clown horror movies. We’ll talk about why there are so many clown horror movies and what makes them so effectively creepy. We’ll even throw in some “extra credit” clown horror movies—it’ll feel like clown horror just constantly pouring out of a clown car!

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

The Most Prestigious Horror Movie Thrillers

Professor Victor finally tries to explain the difference between “thriller” and “horror” … with debatable results! Tune in to see what qualifies as a thriller for the Horror Movie Syllabus as we discuss some critical darlings, along with some “extra credit” movies that further illustrate the thriller sub-genre.

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

The Most Notorious Extreme Horror Films

Many if not most horror movies would be considered “extreme” to the average non-horror fan. In this video, Professor Victor tackles the movies that even bona fide horror fans would acknowledge as “extreme.” We’ll look at three of the roughest, most controversial and notoriously graphic horror movies ever, along with a few extreme “extra credit” selections as well.

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Legitimately Good American Remakes of Foreign Horror Films

How do you improve on an incredible foreign horror film! Make it in English, of course! The Horror Movie Syllabus explores three noteworthy American remakes of foreign horror movies and discusses their value and significance. We also examine a few additional American remakes for “extra credit.”

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