Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Revisiting Aliens: The Doctorate Edition

The Doctorate level of the Horror Movie Syllabus continues as we revisit the Aliens subgenre video and present a fourth, Doctorate level selection! This new addition to the Syllabus is wonderfully inventive early low budget affair from a major filmmaker!

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Three Contemplative Horror Sci-Fi Films

Horror—the final frontier. These are the videos of the Horror Movie Syllabus. It’s weekly mission: to explore strange horror films, to seek out noteworthy indies and notorious cult movies, to boldly go into detail on these Syllabus-worthy films!

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Victor D'Angelo Victor D'Angelo

Horror Films About Aliens That Are Out Of This World!

In space, no one can hear you scream... but they can probably hear Professor Victor talking about Alien horror movies! The Horror Movie Syllabus encounters some of the very best Alien movies that horror has to offer, along with some “extra credit” movies to phone home about!

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