Terrific and Terrible Horror TV Adaptations
This week, the Horror Movie Syllabus looks at movies that adapt horror television shows! While not all of these movies are good, they are all noteworthy for one reason or another! Professor Victor discusses the good and the bad of these horror TV adaptations, and also shares his thoughts on some extra credit movies!
House of Dark Shadows: Is It Syllabus-Worthy?
Professor Victor continues working through his “to-watch” list created by YOU via your recommendations in the comments! This week, he watches “House of Dark Shadows” for the first time and determines if it is worthy of being on the Syllabus!
The Very Best of Horror Television (According to Professor Victor)
The Horror Movie Syllabus presents Professor Victor’s favourite horror television shows, ranking them in order until we get to his #1 favourite show of all time! Along the way, the Professor will explain what makes these shows so great and why you should check them out (if you haven’t already)!