Three Insane Horror Movies Set in the Workplace
There’s about to be a reduction in force! The Horror Movie Syllabus takes a look at Workplace Horror, those horror films set in the office and/or focused on a group of workers, usually resulting in a hilariously horrific horror movie. Professor Victor will present three such films, along with a few “extra credit” movies if you’re willing to put in a little overtime!
Three Destined-to-be-Classic, Retro-Style Throwback Horror Movies
The Horror Movie Syllabus gets retro as we examine “throwback” horror movies! Professor Victor looks at those movies painstakingly shot to look like they come from a different era, evoking a vintage style with modern sensibilities. We’ll look at three excellent examples of this subgenre, along with some throwback “extra credit” films as well!
Copyright Strike and the Future of HMS
No movies this week as our regularly scheduled video has been held up by a Takedown Notice and Copyright Strike. Instead, the Professor decides to shed a little light on the direction the Horror Movie Syllabus will go as we get closer and closer to finishing the Syllabus. The Professor has some fun ideas for the channel, and asks you to chime in with suggestions as well!
Three Entertaining and Popular Shared Universe Horror Movies
What if your favourite horror monsters or characters were able to meet and team up, or even fight each other? The Horror Movie Syllabus examines the history of shared universe horror movies, where different franchises have overlapped to give fans some crowd-pleasing matchups. We’ll look at three of the most popular shared universe horror movies and also discuss a few “extra credit” entries as well.
The Very Best of Horror Television (According to Professor Victor)
The Horror Movie Syllabus presents Professor Victor’s favourite horror television shows, ranking them in order until we get to his #1 favourite show of all time! Along the way, the Professor will explain what makes these shows so great and why you should check them out (if you haven’t already)!
Creepy-Ass Horror Movies About Clowns
Send in the clowns! Actually, don’t! The Horror Movie Syllabus faces down its coulrophobia to present some of the best, scariest clown horror movies. We’ll talk about why there are so many clown horror movies and what makes them so effectively creepy. We’ll even throw in some “extra credit” clown horror movies—it’ll feel like clown horror just constantly pouring out of a clown car!
The Most Prestigious Horror Movie Thrillers
Professor Victor finally tries to explain the difference between “thriller” and “horror” … with debatable results! Tune in to see what qualifies as a thriller for the Horror Movie Syllabus as we discuss some critical darlings, along with some “extra credit” movies that further illustrate the thriller sub-genre.
Three Scary Horror Films About Nature and Isolation
Fear the outdoors! Professor Victor braves the elements to present some of the best examples of horror films involving nature and isolation! What makes these films so scary, even without an identifiable monster or antagonist? Find out as we discuss three shining examples of the sub-genre, along with some “extra credit” suggestions.
The Most Notorious Extreme Horror Films
Many if not most horror movies would be considered “extreme” to the average non-horror fan. In this video, Professor Victor tackles the movies that even bona fide horror fans would acknowledge as “extreme.” We’ll look at three of the roughest, most controversial and notoriously graphic horror movies ever, along with a few extreme “extra credit” selections as well.
Legitimately Good American Remakes of Foreign Horror Films
How do you improve on an incredible foreign horror film! Make it in English, of course! The Horror Movie Syllabus explores three noteworthy American remakes of foreign horror movies and discusses their value and significance. We also examine a few additional American remakes for “extra credit.”
Three Surprisingly Catchy Horror Musicals
Once more, with feeling! When you think of horror, “musical” probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. However, you may be surprised to find just how robust this subgenre is. Join the Horror Movie Syllabus as we explore the horror musical by looking at some popular examples of this very unique and unusual genre blend. We’ll also throw in some “extra credit” movies as an encore.
Three SOLID Blaxploitation Horror Movies
The role of black people in horror has frequently been that of the sidekick, snarky friend, token member of the group, and/or first victim. However, the movies we’re talking about in this video turn all of that on its head. Blaxploitation movies have an interesting history, but their impact on horror is noteworthy and fun. Join Professor Victor as he presents three such films, along with some “extra credit” ones for further enjoyment.
The Most ACE! Australian Horror Films - Horror Movie Syllabus
Oi! The Horror Movie Syllabus is heading Down Under to explore the quality horror films of Australia! Some seriously incredible movies have come out of Australia, and Professor Victor is excited to talk about them. He’ll also provide some choice “extra credit” Australian films that you should really enjoy.
Three Notorious LGBT+ Horror Films
Representation of LGBT+ people in horror has historically not been the most favourable, but in this video the Horror Movie Syllabus explores some noteworthy horror films that take on LGBT+ themes. While the portrayals and presentation might not always be progressive, there is value in looking at these movies and discussing their merit—and Professor Victor does just that. He’ll also present some “extra credit” movies that touch on LGBT+ themes.
Three Jaw-Dropping Horror Movies About Sharks!
We’re gonna need a bigger video! Just when you thought it was safe to go back on YouTube, the Horror Movie Syllabus dives into treacherous waters to explore the best horror movies about sharks! We’ll also select a few “extra credit” shark movies for your viewing pleasure. You won’t go swimming again anytime soon!
Three SAVAGE Horror Movies About Animals
Sometimes they’re cute and cuddly—but sometimes they just want to eat you. The Horror Movie Syllabus takes a look at some of the most dangerous and notorious animals in cinema history, along with a few “extra credit” movies highlighting some other creepy critters.
Three Classic Horror Movies About Witches
For centuries, the witch has had a certain stigma attached to it that, while largely unearned and unfortunate, has led to a rather interesting and compelling horror subgenre. Join the Horror Movie Syllabus as we tackle witches, exploring movies that have both good and bad examples of witchcraft. We’ll also look at a few “extra credit” movies with witches in them that might be worth your time.
The Most Intense Horror Films About Pregnancy
The Horror Movie Syllabus explores the admittedly niche subgenre of pregnancy horror movies! What is it about these movies that makes them so compelling, even when the viewer has never been pregnant? Professor Victor explores this by examining three intense pregnancy horror movies, along with some “extra credit” films in the subgenre for your viewing pleasure!
The Best Examples of Elevated Horror
The Horror Movie Syllabus is tackling the sometimes controversial subgenre known as Elevated Horror. What exactly is Elevated Horror, and why do people find it so divisive? Professor Victor will answer these questions while also evaluating some of the finest examples of the subgenre, as well as a few “extra credit” gems for you to explore.
Three Incredibly Intense Backwoods Horror Movies
This subgenre might be a little difficult to name, but you surely know it when you see it! The Horror Movie Syllabus is looking at horror movies about those creepy backwoods characters that do awful things to regular folk who happen to lose their way—and it’s gonna be a bumpy ride! We’ll discuss three bona fide modern horror classics about redneck/mutant antagonists wreaking havoc in the backwoods, along with some “extra credit” movies that further the theme.