Professor Victor Attempts a Scream Marathon
On Thursday, October 24th, Professor Victor of the Horror Movie Syllabus set out to watch all of the Scream movies in order! This video is the record of his thoughts as he went through all the movies.
The Forbidden Focuses of Taboo Horror Movies
This week, the Horror Movie Syllabus looks at Taboo horror movies! These are the most transgressive, uncomfortable, and forbidden topics that horror takes on! Professor Victor presents some of the most notorious and challenging Taboo horror movies, and also talks about some extra credit movies that maybe you should avoid!
Strange Darling: Is It Syllabus-Worthy?
Professor Victor continues working through his “to-watch” list created by YOU via your recommendations in the comments! This week, he watches “Strange Darling” for the first time and determines if it is worthy of being on the Syllabus!
Revisiting the New French Extremity: Is It Syllabus-Worthy?
The Doctorate level of the Horror Movie Syllabus continues as we revisit the New French Extremity video and present a fourth, Doctorate level selection! This new addition is a serious examination of a bloody affliction!
The Sensuality and Superstition of Bollywood Horror Movies
This week, the Horror Movie Syllabus looks at Bollywood horror movies! Also known as Hindi cinema, Bollywood has been producing quality films and making a name amongst Western movie buffs, and their horror movies are excellent! Professor Victor examines some of the most noteworthy Bollywood horror movies, along with some “extra credit” movies that are definitely worth your time!
Black Mountain Side: Is It Syllabus-Worthy?
Professor Victor continues working through his “to-watch” list created by YOU via your recommendations in the comments! This week, he watches “Black Mountain Side” for the first time and determines if it is worthy of being on the Syllabus!
Evil Dead Trap: Is It Syllabus-Worthy?
Professor Victor continues working through his “to-watch” list created by YOU via your recommendations in the comments! This week, he watches “Evil Dead Trap” for the first time and determines if it is worthy of being on the Syllabus!
Revisiting Ghost Movies: The Doctorate Edition
The Doctorate level of the Horror Movie Syllabus continues as we revisit the Ghost Movies subgenre video and present a fourth, Doctorate level selection! This new addition has an unbelievable cast!
Doghouse: Is It Syllabus-Worthy?
Professor Victor continues working through his “to-watch” list created by YOU via your recommendations in the comments! This week, he watches “Doghouse” for the first time and determines if it is worthy of being on the Syllabus!
Three Successful and Satisfying Blumhouse Horror Films
This week, the Horror Movie Syllabus looks at Blumhouse horror movies! The movies produced by Jason Blum and his studio are known for being crowd-pleasing mainstream horror that more often than not tends to be quite profitable and enjoyable! Professor Victor takes on a couple of popular movies that haven’t been discussed on the channel previously, along with some less popular, notorious “extra credit” movies!
Something in the Dirt: Is It Syllabus-Worthy?
Professor Victor continues working through his “to-watch” list created by YOU via your recommendations in the comments! This week, he watches “Something in the Dirt” for the first time and determines if it is worthy of being on the Syllabus!
Revisiting Horror Musicals: The Doctorate Edition
The Doctorate level of the Horror Movie Syllabus continues as we revisit the Horror Musicals subgenre video and present a fourth, Doctorate level selection! This new addition is one that you fans of the channel have highly recommended!
The Domestics: Is It Syllabus-Worthy?
Professor Victor continues working through his “to-watch” list created by YOU via your recommendations in the comments! This week, he watches “The Domestics” for the first time and determines if it is worthy of being on the Syllabus!
Three Fascinating Films Focusing on Folk Horror
This week, the Horror Movie Syllabus explores Folk Horror movies! While these movies can cross over with many other subgenres, they typically have their roots in folklore, usually supernatural in nature and almost always interesting! Join Professor Victor as he unearths a handful of excellent Folk Horror movies that we haven’t discussed before, as well as some wonderful and underappreciated “extra credit” movies!
The Stone Tape: Is It Syllabus-Worthy?
Professor Victor continues working through his “to-watch” list created by YOU via your recommendations in the comments! This week, he watches “The Stone Tape” for the first time and determines if it is worthy of being on the Syllabus!
Revisiting Slasher Movies: The Doctorate Edition
The Doctorate level of the Horror Movie Syllabus continues as we revisit the Slashers subgenre video and present a fourth, Doctorate level selection! This new addition is a brand-new release with a fresh perspective on the slasher tropes!
Terrified: Is It Syllabus-Worthy?
Professor Victor continues working through his “to-watch” list created by YOU via your recommendations in the comments! This week, he watches “Terrified” for the first time and determines if it is worthy of being on the Syllabus!
Three Artistic and Strange A24 Horror Movies
This week, the Horror Movie Syllabus looks at A24 horror movies! The movies produced and/or distributed by A24 have a reputation for being high-quality original endeavors! Professor Victor picks some of the more challenging and interesting A24 offerings to explore, along with some buzz-worthy “extra credit” movies!
The Coffee Table: Is It Syllabus-Worthy?
Professor Victor continues working through his “to-watch” list created by YOU via your recommendations in the comments! This week, he watches “The Coffee Table” for the first time and determines if it is worthy of being on the Syllabus!
Revisiting Romero Zombies: The Doctorate Edition
The Doctorate level of the Horror Movie Syllabus continues as we revisit the Romero Zombies subgenre video and present a fourth, Doctorate level selection! This new addition is a super-cool BTS look at a legendary zombie movie!